Rev. Spike Beasley's World

Let your eyes taste the smell of silence...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Me, Myself, I

You think I should record my own version of this? How ironic that I tried to post this yesterday evening and by Monday night (later) I was concerned with whether or not I was "off the merry-go-round" or not. I may still be spinning for a while. I hope to recall the date has another meaning; "1/21/08 = one (me) to (back to) one, oh, wait!"...
Now I do have to wait... relax, refresh and refocus....

This song is by Joan Armatrading. Hope you dig it.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Don't forget your elders - particularly Ivor Cutler

Thanks to Tim for enlightening me as to who the man was who portrayed "Buster Bloodvessel" in The Beatles' "Magical Mystery Tour" movie; he was a "keeper".

Evidently he wrote and sang his own songs, had a few albums, made tv appearances and wrote a few books(?), all in this very strange and simple style.
Since the video my friend sent me features a cat it was another good reason to post it.

"Pussy on the Mat" by Ivor Cutler

And, yes, there are a few more, nice, Ivor Cutler tidbits at YouTube, and this next video is one of them, a rockin' little number. (Anything where food is used in an unusual way is usually good enough for me.)

"Pickle Your Knees" by Ivor Cutler

Monday, January 14, 2008


I had nothing to do so I did this... er, not exactly from scratch, though I did select the clip-art, sizing, placement, etc... And wrote the words, of course...
It's a horrible little program at Click on KIDS and then you'll have to find your way somehow to make your own graphics from the Goosebumps theme... Not that anyone really will, so why bother posting the link?
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About Me

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Yes I am a real minister. But probably not the way in which you think I am. I am unorthodox (non-traditional). I am a minister of the Universal Life Church, based in Modesto, California. I'll have to post the full story sometime. This is probably the only "religion" I can see ever being a part of. You won't find traditionnally-religious themes here in the posts - onloy items that I hope help inspire some folks to proudly cultivate their uniqueness with no apologies so their spirit blossoms and soars.